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CJ HealthCare Held the Global R&D Open Forum in the second half of the year

21 SEP, 2016

CJ HealthCare Held the Global R&D Open Forum in the second half of the year

- With invited European venture companies for the purpose of expanding the forum, following the US-Japan Invited Global R & D Open Forum in last June

- Five US and European venture companies shared the promising pipeline information in the field of cancer, immunity, inflammation and digestive disease

CJ HealthCare (CEO Seok-Hee Kang) announced on the 21st that it held the 'Global R & D Open Forum' in the second half of the year at CJ Humanville Leadership Center in Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea on 20th and 21st.

CJ HealthCare (CEO Seok-Hee Kang) announced on the 21st that it held the 'Global R & D Open Forum' in the second half of the year at CJ Humanville Leadership Center in Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea on 20th and 21st.


This forum is the second global forum since CJ HealthCare invited US and Japanese venture companies in June to host the Global Open Forum, and the invitation was extended to venture companies in Europe as well as US venture companies.


Before hosting the forum, CJ HealthCare has set up a task force in January to review 1,000 of the 600 promising venture businesses projects in the US, Japan and Europe with promising new drugs and biopharmaceutical pipelines. Also we have been actively working on the selection of tasks by making direct overseas, onsite visits to conduct meetings. 


Leading venture companies with advanced technology and products have shown great interest in and are actively reviewing cooperation with CJ HealthCare, which is expanding new drug pipeline through open innovation at home and abroad.


The final five venture companies, that is two US venture and three European venture companies, participated in the event. These venture companies are promising venture companies with new drug and biopharmaceutical pipeline with high global market value in cancer, immune, inflammation and digestive diseases. They introduced the innovation and value of their company's research technology and products through presentations during the two-day forum.


In this closed forum, CEOs, key employees, and researchers of CJ HealthCare discussed the issues presented and the feasibility of the partnership enthusiastically with the invited venture companies.


The R & D Open Forum is a representative activity of 'Open Innovation' which CJ HealthCare cooperates with venture / academia / research institute in order to discover promising new drug candidates and technologies and increase possibility of new drug development.


Through the Global Forum, CJ HealthCare, which has been conducting R & D Open Forum in Korea and Japan steadily, will lead the development of the domestic pharmaceutical industry by introducing the advanced venture technologies of the US, Japan and European countries that were not previously available in Korea.


CJ HealthCare intends to strengthen its R & D pipeline through various strategic partnerships such as the introduction of candidate substances, joint development, and equity investment through internal decision-making on the new drug and biopharmaceutical pipeline discussed in this forum.


"This forum was the time to see CJ HealthCare's advanced R & D infrastructure and the outstanding capabilities of its researchers," said a representative from a prominent venture company in Europe. He also expressed his impression, "I was deeply impressed by the enthusiastic debate and challenge of CJ executives and researchers at the forum, and I was able to confirm their commitment to global drug development."


CJ HealthCare CEO Seok-Hee Kang said, "The Global Open Forum, which has expanded to include venture companies in Europe with promising new drugs and technologies, has been a meaningful time to broaden the horizons for the depth and breadth of various new drugs and new technologies in advanced countries in the pharmaceutical industry." 


He also expressed his expectations for this global forum as follows:  "We will firmly secure CJ HealthCare's future growth engine by preemptively securing promising pipelines and move forward as a company that will lead the development of the domestic pharmaceutical industry by accelerating the development of global new drugs.

( team)