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CJ Healthcare Gives a Special Compliance Lecture to Its Executives

January 17, 2017

CJ Healthcare Gives a Special Compliance Lecture to Its Executives

- The company held a special lecture on fair trade compliance by Lee Won-ki, director of the Office of Planning and Coordination at the Korean Fair Competition Federation during a fair trade compliance committee meeting for executives on January 17 
- This special lecture was held during the first fair trade compliance committee meeting since the CEO Kang Seok-hee was appointed as a co-compliance officer last December.

CJ Healthcare (CEO: Kang Seok-hee) announced that the company held a special lecture on fair trade and compliance by Lee Won-ki, director of the Office of Planning and Coordination at the Korean Fair Competition Federation at the CJ CheilJedang Center in Dongho-ro, Jung-gu of Seoul on January 17.
CJ Healthcare (CEO: Kang Seok-hee) announced that the company held a special lecture on fair trade and compliance by Lee Won-ki, director of the Office of Planning and Coordination at the Korean Fair Competition Federation at the CJ CheilJedang Center in Dongho-ro, Jung-gu of Seoul on January 17.

This special lecture held during the first fair trade compliance committee meeting since the CEO was appointed as a co-compliance officer last December, was delivered by Lee Won-ki, director of the Office of Planning and Coordination at the Korean Fair Competition Federation.

The lecture was prepared to reemphasize the importance of operating compliance programs (CPs) while observing fair trade laws and regulations and to establish ethical management.

In this lecture, the director explained about the CP culture that is spreading throughout the industry by comparing the CP operation status of pharmaceutical companies including CJ Healthcare, and suggested future directions of the company.

After the lecture, the participants reminded themselves of the importance of ethics management through questions and answers and shared various opinions on concrete ways that an organization can practice.

“Our company has been striving to establish a fair and ethical corporate culture based on the business philosophies, compliance and integrity of the group,” CEO Kang Seok-hee said in the meeting held on that day. “CJ Healthcare will make every effort to make sustainable development possible based on fair play-based business in the future."

CJ Healthcare has been implementing CP training and monitoring, CP Day, personnel sanctions, and incentive programs to encourage all employees to raise compliance awareness since declaring the reinforcement of CP in June of 2014 after its foundation in April of the same year. Recently, the company appointed CEO Kang Seok-hee as a co-compliance officer after appointing Kim Ki-ho, head of the Strategic Support Office as compliance officer and strengthened the top management’s will for compliance.

( team)