

HK inno.N seeks to build further trust in the company’s business management through
ethical management and transparent disclosure of its governance.

Only ethical management based on CP No. 1 management philosophy is the path to hope for becoming a 100-year-old company.

The year of the blue snake, 2025, has dawned.
Based on our ‘CP No. 1 management philosophy’, inno.N strives to fulfill its legal and ethical obligations in all its business under the belief that it is a responsible company. In particular, the pharmaceutical industry plays an important role in protecting the lives and health of patients and consumers, and thus, inno.N regards compliance with CP as its most important value.
2024 was a year in which the obligations of the pharmaceutical industry were further expanded due to the implementation of new systems such as ‘Public Disclosure of Expenditure Reports’ and ‘CSO Reporting System’. We focused on further strengthening trust with customers and society based on our already prepared CP capabilities. As a result, we were able to obtain an ‘AA’ grade in the CP rating evaluation in 2024, following 2017 and 2021, making it a year in which CP operation was recognized both domestically and internationally.
Even in 2025, inno.N will not rest on its laurels. We will continue to review CP operations that have already become a culture and further strengthen the CP capabilities of all employees.
In addition, we will expand close third-party management and compliance operation dissemination to grow together with stakeholders.
As the CEO and the autonomous compliance manager, I will provide all my support and take the lead in ethical management.
I promise you that we will continue to make efforts to deliver greater trust and value.
Thank you.

Self-Compliance Manager

Kwak Dal-won

We will spread the compliance culture and grow into a CP model company that is continuously recognized both internally and externally.

inno.N operates compliance based on honesty and transparency as core values shared by all employees. All employees are thoroughly following regulations and are continuously receiving education and training on the Fair Trade Act, Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, and laws that must be observed in the pharmaceutical industry to prevent violations, thereby further solidifying the company's trust.
In 2025, we will once again focus on spreading CP culture. We will expand the reward and punishment system based on the operation of clear CP guidelines. In addition, we plan to produce various employee participation content, and we expect that this will continue to spread the compliance culture through voluntary participation.
There are new obligations and regulations planned, such as mandatory education due to the implementation of the CSO reporting system and the 5th revision of the Fair Competition Regulations, but the new system will provide an opportunity for those who are prepared to prove their capabilities.
In order to make this year a year of spreading CP culture together with all the employees of inno.N who are prepared, I will communicate with the field as a joint autonomous compliance manager and prioritize compliance.
Thank you.

Autonomous compliance manager
Strategy Support Office Director

Kim Ki-ho

Our commitment to fair trade practices

  • We abide by the law and internal guidelines for fair competition in the market for pharmaceutical products.
  • We do not offer illegal compensation in exchange for the purchase of our products.
  • We prioritize the interests of patients and make concerted efforts to improve public health.
  • We aim to become a global pharmaceuticals firm that grows in a sustainable manner.

What is the compliance program for fair trade?

Compliance Program

The compliance program for fair trade refers to an ‘internal compliance system’ that includes the voluntary establishment and operation of rules by a company, as well as training and supervision it implements to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations that promote fair economic order.

Code of conduct and vision

Only through ethical management can we achieve a genuinely affluent future.

  • Health

    We prioritize the interests of patients and make concerted efforts to improve public health.
  • Honesty

    We do not engage in any illegal acts, and in doing so work towards a society based on honesty and integrity.
  • Compliance

    We abide by relevant laws and internal guidelines to help establish fair competition in the market for pharmaceutical products.
  • Harmony

    We are an ethical company that lives up to its social responsibility and exists in harmony with the local community.
  • Innovation

    We aim to become a truly global player with our compliance program.

System for compliance implementation

  • Compliance Committee

    Decision-making body on compliance implementation
    - Chair: CEO
    - Members of the Committee:
    CP officer, senior executives, heads of relevant departments
  • Working-level Committee on CP/ESG/SMP

    Working-level Committee, communication channel
    Providing CP guidelines and the result of monitoring
  • Compliance team

    CP opreration, postulation to HR Committee regarding violations
  • ESG management team

    Operation of CP Change Agent & Leader
    Management of internal reviewer for ISO
  • HR Committee

    Sanctions for issues of non-compliance (HR Team, etc.)

History of HK inno.N's Compliance Program

  1. 2024
  2. 2023
  3. 2022
  4. 2021
  5. 2020
  6. 2019
  7. 2018
  8. 2017
  9. 2016
  10. 2015
  11. 2014
  12. Before
    establishment of
    HK inno.N
  1. January
    Conducted company-wide assessment on the effectiveness of CP operations
    Conducted ISO37301&37001 audit for Third Parties - with utilization of Onbuddy platform
    Opening of social media CP channel「inno.N CP Talk」
    Conducted stakeholders materiality assessment(executives and employees, customers, investors, media/press, government, community, etc.)
    Pledge ceremony for Anti-Corruption and Compliance (To commemorate the Day of Compliance, all executives and employees proceed at Osong headquarters)
    Held the 100th CP Committee(award ceremony for outstanding CP employees)
    2024 Company-wide CP poster campaign led by the CEO
    Signed a Letter of Pledge for Anti-Corruption and Compliance(all executives and employees)
    CP Handbook Production and Distribution
    CP training for Sales Unit nationwide(April to May)
    Revision of ISO 37301&37001 manuals and SOPs
    Round-table meeting with CP Officer(CEO)for each division(April ~ November)
    Conducted CP training for Third Parties(May to June)
    Attend to Corporate Integrity Forum(UNGC-NBIM)
    Issued 2024 CP Manual
    Revised CP Regulations and Operational Guidelines
    Conducted the third-party verification of Sustainability Report
    Published Sustainability Report (Korean)
    Training for additional 37301&37001 internal auditors
    Completed the qualification process for ISO 37301&37001 CP operators and internal auditors
    Submitted UNGC Progress Report(CoP)
    Revised CP Guidelines and Revision of CP Guidelines and Operations Manual
    Submitted an inspection report for implementation of Expenditure Reports
    Conducted the due diligence on departments with high-risk of ISO 37301&37001 non-compliance/corruption
    Conducted a cross-training by CP Change Leaders & Agents for all executives and employees of HK inno.N
    Published Sustainability Report(English)
    Completed company-wide ISO 37301&37001 internal audit
    Completed the ISO 37301&37001 management review(CEO and the board)
    Inspection and inspection of fair trade activities with copromotion Company
    Conducted a cross-training by CP Change Leaders & Agents for all executives and employees of HK inno.N
    Completed post-certification review for ISO 37301&37001 integrated certification
    Distributed CP Letter for Third Parties
    Launched the Expenditure Reports Self-audit Campaign
    Enforcement of CSO reporting system to conclude consignment contracts with corporate promotion companies and CSO companies/Fair Trade Management System
    Hosted a company-wide CP TEST
    Special CP training invited by external experts related to unfair trade practices(CEOs and executives, ETC employees)
    ETC team for Award ceremony for outstanding CP
    Inspection of fair trade activities by copromotion Company
    Achieved the rating "AA" in the corporate CP assessment
    Attendanced at the CP Forum held at the Fair Trade Commission
    Inspection of fair trade activities for third parties
  2. January
    Conducted company-wide assessment on the effectiveness of CP operations
    Revised CP Regulations and Operational Guidelines
    Conducted ISO37301&37001 audit for Third Parties - with utilization of Onbuddy platform
    Issued 2023 CP Manual
    Round-table meeting with CP Officer for each division (February to November)
    Conducted stakeholders materiality assessment (executives and employees, customers, investors, media/press, government, community, etc.)
    Training on ESG Management with invited speakers of CP experts for CP Change Leaders & Agents
    Held a ceremony for the Day of Compliance (CP Contest and awarding winners, award ceremony for outstanding CP employees)
    Training for additional ISO 37301&37001 CP operators
    2023 Company-wide CP poster campaign led by the CEO
    Revised CP Regulations and Operational Guidelines
    Revised CP Guidelines and Operations Manual
    Signed a Letter of Pledge for Anti-Corruption and Compliance(all executives and employees)
    Revision of ISO 37301&37001 manuals and SOPs
    Training for additional ISO 37301&37001 internal auditors
    Completed the qualification process for ISO 37301&37001 CP operators and internal auditors
    Conducted a cross-training by CP Change Leaders & Agents for all executives and employees of HK inno.N (the 1st half of 2023): ESG Management(Environment)
    Completed the development of the ISO 37301&37001 online platform, ISOM(inno.N sustainability on risk management) and company-wide implementation
    Established an online application system for Expenditure Reports
    The 1st Sustainability Management Committee (B-Level) was convened
    Submitted an inspection report for implementation of Expenditure Reports
    Revised CP Guidelines and Revision of CP Guidelines and Operations Manual
    Held CP Training Program for Third Parties
    Conducted the third-party verification of Sustainability Report
    Published Sustainability Report (Korean)
    Conducted the due diligence on departments with high-risk of ISO 37301&37001 non-compliance/corruption
    Published Sustainability Report (English)
    Distributed CP Letter for Third Parties
    Launched the Expenditure Reports Self-audit Campaign
    Completed company-wide ISO37301&37001 internal audit
    Completed the ISO37301&37001 management review (CEO (September 18) and the board (September 25))
    Training on Compliance and Corporate Investment with invited speakers of CP experts for CP Change Leaders & Agents
    Established the monitoring SOP
    Special CP training (with invited speakers)
    Conducted a cross-training by CP Change Leaders & Agents for all executives and employees of HK inno.N (the 2nd half of 2023) : ESG Management (Social), socially responsible management
    The 2nd Sustainability Management Committee (B-Level) was convened
    Hosted a company-wide CP TEST
    Signed the Review Transparency Pledge with UNCAC (UN Convention Against Corruption)
    Completed post-certification review for ISO37301&37001 integrated certification
    Revised CP Regulations and Operational Guidelines
    All members who completed the CP Change Agent course (3rd) were accepted to CP Change Leader course
    Submitted UNGC Progress Report (COP)
  3. January
    Conducted company-wide assessment on the effectiveness of CP operations
    Training on FCPA with invited speakers of CP experts for CP Change Leaders & Agents
    Announcement of ISO 37001 & ISO 37301 integrated certification and appointment of regulatory CP Officer
    (February 9, board approval)
    Kwak Dalwon (then CEO) was jointly appointed as the CP Officer (February 9, board approval)
    Conducted stakeholders impact assessment (executives and employees, customers, investors, media/press, government, community, etc.)
    Held a ceremony for the Day of Compliance (CP Contest and awarding winners, award ceremony for outstanding CP employees)
    Enacted Compliance Policy (March 10, board approval)
    Conducted ISO 37301 training for CP operators
    The first meeting for the ESG Working Group was convened
    Signing of the Anti-Corruption Pledge at the BIS Summit
    2022 Company-wide CP poster campaign led by the CEO
    Distributed CP Handbook
    Held CP Training Program for Third Parties
    Signed a Letter of Pledge for Anti-Corruption and Compliance (all executives and employees)
    ISO 37301 internal auditors training
    Conducted a cross-training by CP Change Leaders & Agents for all executives and employees of HK inno.N (the 1st half of 2022) : FCPA
    The 1st ESG Management Committee was convened
    Training on ESG with invited speakers of CP experts for CP Change Leaders & Agents
    Conducted CP training for Third Parties
    Conducted the third-party verification of Sustainability Report
    Completed the ISO 37301 CP operators' qualification process
    Round-table meeting with CP Officer
    Completed ISO 37301 internal auditors' qualification process
    Submitted UN Global Compact (UNGC) Progress Report (Communication on Progress : COP)
    Conducted a cross-training by CP Change Leaders & Agents for all executives and employees of HK inno.N (the 2nd half of 2022) : General principles of ESG management
    Conducted the inspection of divisions identified as ISO 37301&37001 high-risk non-compliance/corruption groups
    ISO37301&37001 audit for Third Parties of HK inno.N - with utilization of the Onbuddy platform
    Completed company-wide ISO37301&37001 internal audit
    First publication of Sustainability Report (in Korean and English)
    The 14th Revision of the HK inno.N CP Regulations
    Round-table meeting with CP Officer
    Completed the ISO37301&37001 management review (CEO (November 4) and the board (November 10))
    Hosted a company-wide CP TEST
    Acquired ISO37301&37001 integrated certification : Completed the first 37301 audit and three consecutive years of 37001 post-certification review
    CP training for Sales Unit nationwide on Expenditure Reports
    Distributed CP Letter for Third Parties
  4. January
    Conducted a company-wide survey on CP awareness
    Creation and distribution of the CP Pocket Guide Book
    FCPA (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) training with invited speakers of CP experts for CP Change Leaders & Agents
    Held a company- wide FCPA training with invited speakers of CP experts (a total of 618 attendees combing online and offline channels)
    Held a ceremony for the Day of Compliance
    Held the CP Contest (Design figures/characters, slogans) and awarded the winners
    Held an annual award ceremony for outstanding CP employees (17 employees)
    Development of the Onbuddy platform for audit of external stakeholders defined by ISO - online audit for Third Parties (communicating guidelines on anti-corruption, submission of audit reports and a letter of pledge on anti-corruption)
    Revised CP Guidelines and Operations Manual
    The 12th Revision of the HK inno.N CP Regulations
    Conducted the inspection of divisions identified as ISO 37001 high-risk corruption groups
    Conducted a cross-training among CP Change Leaders & Agents for all executives and employees of HK inno.N : FCPA
    Training on collusion with invited speakers of CP experts for CP Change Leaders & Agents
    Revised CP Guidelines and Operations Manual
    Completed company-wide 37001 internal audit
    Held special CP training - for ETC Sales & Marketing managers
    Conducted training by CP Change Leaders & Agents for all executives and employees of HK inno.N : Collusion
    Obtained the final approval for joining UN Global Compact (UNGC) - Obligation for annual submission of Communication on Progress (COP)
    Held special CP training - for production managers
    Conducted training with invited speakers of CP experts for CP Change Leaders & Agents : ISO 37301
    Completed the ISO 37001 management review (CEO (September 24) and the board (October 1))
    Hosted a company-wide CP TEST
    Conducted a cross-training by CP Change Leaders & Agents for all executives and employees of HK inno.N : ISO 37301
    Performed training effectiveness assessment on the CP Change Leader&Agent program
    Completed the ISO 37001 post-certification review
    Achieved the rating "AA" in the corporate CP assessment (the Korea Fair Trade Commission)
    Awarded outstanding ISO 37001 internal auditors
    All members who completed the CP Change Agent course were accepted to CP Change Leader course
    Conducted a CP Change Leader Promotion Test
  5. February
    Renewal of CP Letter (Improved accessibility/readability for the letter including application of QR code)
    Awarded outstanding CP employees and outstanding CP branch offices (17 employees/16 teams)
    CP online training for ETC sales headquarters
    Revised anti-corruption policy, which was approved by the board of ISO 37001 post-certification review
    Held a CP Video Contest and awarded the winners
    Round-table meeting with CP Officer
    CP training for Third Parties (7 companies including wholesalers)
    The 2nd training course for CP Change Leader & Agent
    Special training for ISO 37001 internal auditors
    Completed ISO 37001 audit
    Circulated a company-wide CP No.1 template
    Completed ISO 37001 internal audit
    Awarded oustanding ISO 37001 internal auditors
    Third-party CP training
    Completed ISO 37001 management review
    Third-party CP training
    Hosted a company-wide CP TEST
    Completed ISO 37001 post-certification review
    Distributed CP Letter for Third Parties
  6. February
    Held the 1st CP Change Agent Training Course in 2019
    CP training for Third Parties
    Held the 4th ceremony and events of the Day of Compliance
    Held an award ceremony for outstanding CP employees
    Ceremony for official introduction of ISO37001
    Held a launching ceremony for ISO37001 internal auditors
    Issued the 100th CP Letter
    Disseminated CP best practices of HK inno.N for companies in the pharmaceutical industry
    The 2nd CP Change Agent Training Course in 2019
    Developed a mobile expense processing system
    Additional training of ISO 37001 internal auditors (increased to 56 auditors in total)
    The 3rd CP Change Agent Training Course in 2019
    Hosted a CP TEST for executive and employees of Ethical Drug (ETC) Division
    The first ISO 37001 certification of HK inno.N
    The 4th CP Change Agent Training Course in 2019
    All members who completed the CP Change Agent course were accepted to the Leader course (20 ppl in total)
  7. January
    Launched the Expenditure Reports System
    The 1st CP training for Third Parties in 2018
    CP training for expatriate employees
    Formulated details for CP commendation rules
    The 2nd CP training for Third Parties in 2018
    Hosted CP Spring Writing Contest and held an award ceremony for winners
    The 3rd CP training for Third Parties in 2018 with the CP Officer
    Acquired ISO37001 certification as internal auditors (3 ppl)
    Held the 3rd ceremony and events of the Day of Compliance
    Signed and collected a Letter of Pledge for Compliance (all executives and employees)
    Presented CP best practices of HK inno.N at the CP Forum of Korea Fair Competition Federation (1st half of 2018, CP Officer)
    Formed a Compliance Supervision Unit
    Commenced ISO37001 training for executives (board members)
    The 4th CP training for Third Parties in 2018
    Disseminated CP best practices of HK inno.N for companies in other industries (May) and the pharmaceutical industry (June)
    Collected CP MOU from Third Parties
    Established CP Change Agent Training Course as the first case in the industry
    Distributed/circulated 2018 CP Manual Version 4
  8. January
    Implemented division-specific risk assessment models
    Held CP Contest for building a strong CP-oriented culture (Slogans, design figures/characters)
    On-site CP training for Third Parties (Jeju)
    Conducted internal inspection/audit in relation to Fair Agency Transactions Act
    Distributed CP Pocket Guidelines
    Held the 2nd ceremony and events of the Day of Compliance
    Signed a Letter of Pledge for Compliance (all executives and employees)
    2017 nationwide CP Poster campaign
    The CP Officer acquired ISO37001 (anti-bribery/anti-corruption management system) auditor certification
    The 2nd On-site CP training for Third Parties (Jeonju)
    Distributed/circulated 2017 CP Manual Version 3
    Board approval of the complete revision of CP Regulations
    Established a whistleblowing system within the company website
    Built a task force team for development of the Expenditure Reports System and conducted intensive training
    Company-wide training following the 4th revision of the Fair Competition Code
    Acquired ISO37001 certification as internal auditors (2 ppl)
    Achieved the rating "AA" in the corporate CP assessment
    Completed the development of the Expenditure Reports System
  9. March
    Distributed/circulated 2016 Annual Policy Change Guidelines
    Established the Day of Compliance
    Implemented the Risk Assessment Model (HK inno.N Ethical Management Model)
    Established the CP Working Group (Steering Committee)
    Distributed/circulated 2016 CP Manual Version 2
    Expanded the Compliance team, Distributed guidelines on the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act
    The CP Officer acquired the Certified Compliance Professional (CCP) certificate
    Kang Seok-hee (then CEO) was jointly appointed as the CP Officer
    Developed division-specific risk assessment models
  10. January
    Launched circulation of CP Letter
    Convened CP Committee
    Established Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the CP Management Team
    Developed a Risk Assessment Model (HK inno.N Ethical Management Model)
    Distributed 2015 CP Manual Version 1
  11. April
    Founded HK inno.N Corporation (Material division to CJ Healthcare) and established HK inno.N Compliance Program (CP) Regulations
    Formed a CP task-force team (TFT) of HK inno.N
    Announced a strategic focus on CP and appointment of CP Officer & signing of a letter of pledge for CP
    Attended Corporate Ethics Charter Declaration Ceremony held by KPBMA
    Attended APEC Ethics Forum (Nanjing, China) / Distributed HK inno.N Manual and Guideline Handbook
    Developed a Pre-Post Monitoring System (SMP : Sales & Marketing Portal)
  12. 2002
    Intrduced CJ CheilJedang Compliance Program (CP) and established CP regulations
    Announced adoption of Compliance Program for pharmaceutical industry (hosted by KPBMA /CJ CheilJedang participated)
    Human resource allocation dedicated to CP management for the pharmaceuticals division of CJ CheilJedang
    Composed a CP task force team (TFT) and CP unit within the pharmaceuticals division of CJ CheilJedang